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Until I figure out the new organization of this web-site and new art projects, I am merely going to reblog this from Elefantini (my “life in Italy” blog), to prove to you all that I am still alive, and still painting.



I don’t feel like my paintings belong on this blog (especially since I am no longer limited to Italian landscapes), but I feel uneasy putting any new art up on 25canvases.com as well, as they are not part of that project either.  So, what to do?  Oh, the dilemmas of an artist between one place and another.

However, this painting is, in a little way, part of life in Italy.  Mostly because it was painted in an Italian house, with Italian paints.  Which, to me, is ample reason to celebrate.  Because that means that I found a store in Ancona that sells acrylic paints and canvases.  I wouldn’t go quite as far as to call the place an art store, as the front of the store deals with keys and wall repair tools and other random things, and the art supplies aren’t all too impressive in selection (at least, not…

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